16 Years Of Mumbai Train Bombings

[dzs_video source=”https://slike-v.akamaized.net/1x/5c/1x5ctdt996/83cfe555_F10_1080p_3300.mp4″ cover=”https://im.indiatimes.in/content/2022/Jul/mumbai_train_blast_2006_1562829458_62ccd6db61f16.jpg” config=”skinauroradefault” width=”100%” height=”600″ logo=”https://joggingvideo.com/wp-content/uploads/tdn_pic_2.png” config=”skinauroradefault” autoplay=”off” cue=”on” loop=”off” type=”video” logo=”0000″ logo_link=”5555″ responsive_ratio=”default” adarray='{{openbrace}}{“source”:”1111″,”time”:”2222″,”type”:”3333″,”ad_link”:”4444″,”skip_delay”:”5″}{{closebrace}}’]It brought the financial capital to a grinding halt. This July 11 marks the 16th anniversary of the Mumbai train blasts. The 7/11 blasts rocked the city in 2006.

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