Watch a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup undergo an Oreo transplant

If you told me a video of someone slicing into a clementine with a scalpel would hold my attention for a full 3 minutes and 16 seconds, I would have scoffed. Then I watched just that on a new YouTube channel launched by an anonymous user who goes by the name The Food Surgeon, and I was hooked.

While watching the annoyingly named “Cutie” clementine getting sliced up was disturbingly satisfying, I became an instant fanboy of The Food Surgeon through the channel’s next video, posted Sunday, in which our doctor performs a “Reese’s Peanut-Butter-Ectomy with Oreo Cream Transplant.”

The procedure is pretty much what you’d imagine (if you have a really bizarre imagination). The Food Surgeon — a self-described “culinary practitioner not qualified to perform surgery of any kind” — carefully slices open the top of a Reese’s cup, removes the chocolate disc and then all of the peanut butter filling, which somehow put me in mind of brain surgery, or a scene from “Silence of the Lambs.”

The gloved surgeon then inserts two discs of creamy filling from Oreo cookie, reattaches the Reese’s skull — uh I mean chocolate disc — and creates what is truly a frankenfood, and something I’d really, really like to eat.

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You might remember that not too long ago a series of videos with people whispering and rubbing and tapping on objects became popular as a way to help folks fall asleep. I have a feeling food surgery might just become 2016’s version of that.

“I think there’s something almost hypnotic about watching deft hands perform tasks, and although my own hands are clumsy and far from skillful, I wanted to emulate that effect as best I could in hopes of entertaining others,” The Food Surgeon” told Mashable. “I choose not to talk in my videos because I want the entire focus to be on the food, the hands, the tools, and the sounds they make together.”


As for the next project, The Food Surgeon, which launched a week ago, told Mashable it will feature “a never-been-done-before surgical maneuver on an avocado.” I can’t wait.

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