6 Showerthoughts from Reddit to make you say ‘hmm’

In the age of instant everything, it’s nice to stop and think for a while. Those looking for some deep moments might want to head to Reddit.

That’s right, hidden among subreddits on everything from World News to GIFs, is one of my favorites. Called Showerthoughts, people come up with “deep thoughts” — presumably while in the shower — and share them with the Reddit audience.

Every day, you’ll have new shower thoughts that are often surprising, always interesting and at the very least, amusing. So, take a break, maybe put on a shower cap and enjoy a sampling of my favorite Showerthoughts.

All the Mannequin Challenge has done so far is reveal that not many people can spell “mannequin”. from Showerthoughts

Guilty as charged! On my first spelling I chose an “A” instead of an “E” in the middle of the word. Like so many other people, lesson learned, and it was all because of a meme. Thank the gods for autocorrect.

If I told you that it featured themes of bestiality, Stockholm Syndrome, slave labor, and a lynching, you would never guess ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is a kids movie. from Showerthoughts

Well, now that you say it…yeah, I guess that’s true. Wow.

I’m old enough to miss the days when I couldn’t be reached at a moments notice. from Showerthoughts

If you have a phone with you at all times, it makes people wonder why you won’t answer. I’m driving, okay, mom?

The first ten minutes of my day are always me not wanting to pee because my bed is too comfy from Showerthoughts

Hey, maybe not exactly SFW, but I bet we can all relate.

We are planning to sustain life on Mars yet we can’t even do that in 3rd world country’s on earth from Showerthoughts

A very good point. How about we get it together here first?

When you lower the bar in limbo, you are actually raising the bar. from Showerthoughts

Mind = blown.

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