Let Stephen Colbert’s voice show you the Waze home

Looking to add a little comedy to your daily commute? A new partnership between Waze and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” puts the smooth, sultry sounds of Colbert on your smartphone as his voice guides you to your destination.

Waze is a popular free community-based traffic app owned by Google that lets users report traffic, speed traps and other roadside hazards so others can either be aware of or avoid pending danger and find the quickest route to where they’re going.

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Between September 1 and 22, Waze users in the US can select Colbert’s voice from the settings section of the Waze app, then listen as he dutifully informs them how to get from place to place. He’ll also crack wise from time to time, delivering witticisms as a journey begins or when there’s a hazard such as a crash or a speed trap reported on the route.

Perhaps the funniest bit is when you actually get to your destination and Colbert quips: “You have reached your destination. I’m surprised, to be honest. I wasn’t paying attention.”

Colbert’s voice is the latest in a string of celebrity voices on Waze. Waze users can also hear New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, Neil Patrick Harris or even Colonel Sanders himself giving finger-licking directions. Previous promos have included the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger giving directions as the Terminator from “Terminator Genisys.”

The Waze app is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Hopefully Waze Colbert was just messing with his real-life counterpart, and he does pay attention when getting you around when you use the app.

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