Kanye vs. Taylor plays out online in frighteningly low resolution

Welcome to the age of internet shade. Kanye phones Taylor, Kim Snapchats the convo, Taylor responds via Instagram, and Twitter makes a Moment. Dissing people used to be so much less data intensive.

Social media can barely contain itself over the latest chapter in the blustering feud (or is that “mutually beneficial hype train”) between Kanye West and Taylor Swift. And the whole thing is playing out online in frighteningly low resolution.

Let us catch you up.

Late last month, Kanye took to Tidal to release his latest track, “Famous,” which included the lyric, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that b**** famous.”

A little harsh it seemed, especially considering the film clip featured a naked Taylor Swift lookalike lying in bed next to Kanye.

Now Mrs. West herself, Kim Kardashian, has released a series of Snapchats showing a phone call between Kanye and Taylor (“Celebrities! They’re just like us!”) in which Kanye tells her about the notorious line.

“I really appreciate you telling me about it, that’s really nice,” says Phone Taylor in the blurry, shaky, sideways video below.

Taylor Swift on the line with Kanye discussing FAMOUS #kim #kimkardashian #kimkardashianwest #kimksnapchat #kimksnapchats #kimkardashiansnapchat #kkw #girls #beauty #london #paris #milan #newyork #la #miami #atlanta #snapchat #kimye #yeezy #tlop #pablo #studio #exposethathoe #exposed #taylorswift #kanyewest

A video posted by Kim Kardashian Snapchats (@kimksnapchats) on Jul 17, 2016 at 8:22pm PDT

But now Ms Swift has hit back on Instagram raising the valid point that the long (and confusing) series of Snaps doesn’t actually use the b-word.

“Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened.”

That moment when Kanye West secretly records your phone call, then Kim posts it on the Internet.

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Jul 17, 2016 at 9:14pm PDT

Remember the days of Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, when feuds played out in extravagant supper clubs and on Hollywood movie sets? No, neither do we. Because apparently there was never a time before low-res Snapchat dissing, emoji sub-tweets and excoriating streams of Twitter Moments. This is the future you deserve.

We’re on Day 1 of Kanye watch and we’ll stay with it all night if we have to. Bring the coffee.

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Kanye vs. Taylor plays out online in frighteningly low resolution

Welcome to the age of internet shade. Kanye phones Taylor, Kim Snapchats the convo, Taylor responds via Instagram, and Twitter makes a Moment. Dissing people used to be so much less data intensive.

Social media can barely contain itself over the latest chapter in the blustering feud (or is that “mutually beneficial hype train”) between Kanye West and Taylor Swift. And the whole thing is playing out online in frighteningly low resolution.

Let us catch you up.

Late last month, Kanye took to Tidal to release his latest track, “Famous,” which included the lyric, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that b**** famous.”

A little harsh it seemed, especially considering the film clip featured a naked Taylor Swift lookalike lying in bed next to Kanye.

Now Mrs. West herself, Kim Kardashian, has released a series of Snapchats showing a phone call between Kanye and Taylor (“Celebrities! They’re just like us!”) in which Kanye tells her about the notorious line.

“I really appreciate you telling me about it, that’s really nice,” says Phone Taylor in the blurry, shaky, sideways video below.

Taylor Swift on the line with Kanye discussing FAMOUS #kim #kimkardashian #kimkardashianwest #kimksnapchat #kimksnapchats #kimkardashiansnapchat #kkw #girls #beauty #london #paris #milan #newyork #la #miami #atlanta #snapchat #kimye #yeezy #tlop #pablo #studio #exposethathoe #exposed #taylorswift #kanyewest

A video posted by Kim Kardashian Snapchats (@kimksnapchats) on Jul 17, 2016 at 8:22pm PDT

But now Ms Swift has hit back on Instagram raising the valid point that the long (and confusing) series of Snaps doesn’t actually use the b-word.

“Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened.”

That moment when Kanye West secretly records your phone call, then Kim posts it on the Internet.

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Jul 17, 2016 at 9:14pm PDT

Remember the days of Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, when feuds played out in extravagant supper clubs and on Hollywood movie sets? No, neither do we. Because apparently there was never a time before low-res Snapchat dissing, emoji sub-tweets and excoriating streams of Twitter Moments. This is the future you deserve.

We’re on Day 1 of Kanye watch and we’ll stay with it all night if we have to. Bring the coffee.

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