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Siber Systems, Inc.
Password management has joined the ranks of flossing and tax return-filing as one of life’s inescapable hassles. You absolutely positively must create a different, secure password for every site you do business with, and yet trying to manage all those passwords is a Herculean feat.
Or not, if you put software on the job. Once again, in honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (world’s worst holiday — just saying), the good folks at RoboForm are giving away the venerable RoboForm Everywhere. Specifically, you can get a one-year subscription absolutely free. Regular price: $19.95.
As you might expect, this offer is good for new users only. If you’re already a user, you can save 20 percent on a subscription renewal. (Just click the corresponding button on the promo page.) Come October, 2016, you can decide if you want to continue. I suspect you’ll want to.
Like most password managers, RoboForm Everywhere performs several seriously useful functions. It manages your passwords, duh. But it can also generate secure ones for you — a different one for each site, which goes a long way toward keeping you safe if a site gets hacked.
Even better, it can autofill your login information as you bop from site to site, a huge time-saver. (It can autofill forms as well, an even huger time-saver.) And because your license is good for Web, desktop and mobile clients, all your data is available to you pretty much everywhere.
CNET called RoboForm Everywhere “one of the most useful browser enhancements we’ve encountered” and gave it a 4.5-star rating. Some 4,000 CNET readers rated it the same.
Needless to say, if you’re not currently using a password manager or don’t particularly like the one you have, grab this freebie. The offer is good through October 31.
Bonus deal: How’s the Wi-Fi in your house? Any weak spots? If so, consider a range extender. Like this one: For a limited time, and while supplies last, Newegg has the Edimax EW-7438RPn Mini Wi-Fi Extender/Access Point/Wi-Fi Bridge for $14.99, shipped. That’s after applying coupon code EMCKANT28 at checkout. Although a few reviewers had issues with unit failure, the product is backed by a two-year warranty.