A new public service announcement on YouTube warns of a far greater danger than the world has ever faced — selfie sticks.
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Pizza Hut, which is trying to get you to buy some new kind of pizza it’s selling, posted the funny PSA on Wednesday informing us of the threats these selfie sticks pose. In the clip, a woman talks about how great selfies and the “egotastic specimens of visual self-obsession” who take them are, but warns that the beloved selfie is in danger from the increased onslaught of selfie sticks.
By moving the camera away from the central subject of the image (that would be you), selfie sticks force you to acknowledge that other people and places actually exist, which can’t be good for your precious ego. Plus, as selfie sticks grow longer and longer, they can cause quite a lot of damage if you aren’t careful where you’re pointing it (or if you’re among the 17 percent of people who take selfies while driving).
10 weirdly wonderful moments in selfie history (pictures)
Check out the clip above to see how else selfie sticks are making the world a much more awful place. And please, for the love of all things good in this world, don’t get a selfie stick. Or do, I don’t really care. I’m far too busy posting selfies on Instagram and Snapchat to care what you do, dear reader.