Screenshot by Aloysius Low/CNET
Viddsee, the Singapore-based online video company has just released the Viddsee iOS app for the iPhone, which lets users watch any of the 700 films hosted on its website, with weekly rotations of curated movies, so you’ll never be bored on your commute. If you’re on a Wi-Fi connection, the app will intelligently download queued films in the background for offline viewing later, helping to save on mobile data.
Viddsee hosts films from all over Asia, including Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka. The length of these movies range from as short as 4 minutes to over 30 minutes.
I gave the app a quick try before the official launch and was pretty taken with the quality of the showcased films. One film in particular, Sunflowers, from Malaysian filmmaker Quek Shio Chuan, impressed me with its production value.
“The films are curated, so only the best are on our platform, to aid our audience in watching quality films,” said Derek Tan, co-founder of Viddsee.
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Chances are you probably haven’t heard of Viddsee before today. But if you’re an avid movie buff, you may want to spend some time checking them out. The Singapore startup operates an online video platform, somewhat like YouTube, but aimed at showcasing curated short films from Asia.
Content aside, Tan says the company is less focused on monetizing its platform for now.
“We aim to develop a hybrid model around video advertising and content subscription in the future. With short films, we aim to drive towards subscription of quality feature films in Asia, as most of our filmmakers end up making feature films, but lack distribution outlets for their films.”
“We hope to make Asian content accessible with our engaged audience that we are building up at the moment,” he added.
Besides the iPhone app, Tan says the company is also working on launching a version for the iPad as well as an Android app.