Mystery Motorola event set for September 5

Motorola just dropped a bomb of an invite that hints at the promise of sweet new smartphones. Scheduled for September 5, the press event will be held in New York and vaguely states, “Motorola. On Display,” which is down right tantalizing.

Could Motorola’s afternoon festivities herald the coming of a much-rumored Droid Razr HD or even Droid Raxr Maxx HD? Might Moto’s new partnership yield fantastic nexus handset fruits? No product details were provided save a Motorola and Verizon logo, which lends weight to my Razr HD theory.

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Looks like September 5 will be a busy day for smartphone news since Nokia and Microsoft also plan to hold a press conference in the Big Apple the same morning. Well as they say, “New York, New York, a helluva town!” Let us know what you think Motorola and Verizon have up their sleeves.

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