Samsung’s 11.8

Three upcoming Samsung gadgets have been revealed, including an 11.8-inch tablet with a ‘retina’ resolution and two new Windows Phone mobiles.

Details of all three devices came to light in court documents that were made public during Samsung’s ongoing spat with Apple — a legal fracas that also revealed the look of early iPhone prototypes.

The Verge spotted the tablet, which along with its hand-stretching 11.8-inch screen, is destined to sport a 2,560×1,600 pixel resolution that would trump the new iPad‘s 2,048×1,536 retina display.

The tablet bears the codename ‘P10’ and will have LTE connectivity on board, but apart from that nothing else is known. The court documents seemingly peg the P10 as being a ‘2012’ device, so we could catch a glimpse before this fine Olympic year draws to a close and we are hurled into the perpetually unlucky 2013.

It sounds exciting, and hopefully could offer a little more than the disappointing Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (pictured above), which was too pricey and not very powerful.

Meanwhile two Windows Phone gadgets, nicknamed Odyssey and Marco have also been spied by the Verge. Both are powered by 1.5GHz dual-core Qualcomm processors, meaning they’ll be powered by Windows Phone 8, as the existing software doesn’t support multi-core chips.

The Odyssey has a 4.65-inch Super AMOLED screen with a high-def resolution and an 8-megapixel snapper, while the Marco will have a 4-inch, 800×480 pixel Super AMOLED screen and a 5-megapixel camera. Both phones look to be LTE enabled, meaning that unless there are separate versions for the US and Europe, we may not see them in the UK just yet.

I think Nokia has created the most impressive Windows Phone gadgets to date, with Samsung’s Omnia 7 and new-but-basically-identical Omnia M failing to smoke my tyres. If Samsung can sprinkle some of the magic Galaxy S3 dust on a Windows Phone mobile though, Microsoft’s platform could be given the jump-start it badly needs.

What would you like to see Samsung make? Tell me in the comments or on our Facebook wall.

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