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Yamaha YSP

Barely weeks have passed since we reviewed the Yamaha YSP-1100 but there’s already a new …

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Crave Talk: Hi

According to the old adage, possession is nine tenths of the law. Ofcom, the UK communications regulator, certainly seems to use it as its mantra, because it has decided — and it’s backed by MPs — that the analogue TV spectrum will be sold off when the UK completely moves over to digital in a few years time. Although the …

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Matrix fans queue all night to take the red HD DVD pill

Last week, we mentioned that HMV Oxford Street was the place to go this morning if you were a Matrix fan and wanted to pick up a free HD DVD player — the Toshiba HD-E1 — with your purchase of the box set. We were expecting this to be a popular promotion, but we were blown away by exactly how …

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