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HD Tick tries to make buying TV easier

A new certification program, which aims to simplify the purchase of an HDTV with a digital tuner, may actually complicate matters due to its flexible definition of what HD actually is. The HD Tick logo will start appearing on many new TVs. The new ‘HD Tick Logo’ aims to ensure compliance with Australian digital receiver standards and provide for better …

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Panasonic range focuses on 1080p and plasma

Full high-definition recorders, plasma televisions and Blu-ray-with-everything were the main focus of yesterday’s Panasonic 2008 AV launch in Sydney. The company is gearing up for its partnership of the 2008 Olympic Games coverage and even had sports stars — runner Matt Shervington and swimmers Ky Hurst and Bronte Barratt — on hand to say how much they love using Panasonic …

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