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720p vs 1080p: Which should I buy?

A few years ago we wrote a column about HDTV resolution and whether you should just buy a “standard” 720p/1080i set or pay the extra bucks for a higher-resolution 1080p set. And funnily enough, this is a question that’s still relevant today. Eventually, of course, manufacturers will completely phase out 720p TVs. But it may take a few years. While …

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Sony and Panasonic give away BD players

Instructions: Step one: take one television Step two: add Blu-ray player Step three: sell, rinse, repeat. That’s right, Sony is once again on the bundling train, but instead of towing PS3 carriages it’s now hooked up a caboose carrying S550 Blu-ray players. To get yourself one of these players you’ll need to buy: the XBR series featuring RGB LED backlight; …

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