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Motorola: Android 2.1 coming to Droid this week

Josh Miller/CNET Just last week, the Motorola Droid gotpartial multitouch support with Google Maps 3.4, but that was little consolation for Droid customers who still had to look on in jealously as Nexus One owners got to enjoy multitouch in the browser and photo gallery as well as Google Goggles support. Well, retract your claws Droid owners because it now …

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iCatchall: 27 apps for free

On Monday only, get 27 apps for the price of, well, none. What’s better than 27 apps for 99 cents? Why, 27 apps for zero cents, of course. That’s what you get from iCatchall, which, like last week’s App Genie, delivers more than two dozen tools under one app roof. Normally it’s 99 cents, but in conjunction with previously mentioned …

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