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T-Mobile USA gained ground in signing up new subscribers during the fourth quarter, but much …

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Sorry Android, she’s just not that into you

When it comes to smartphones, men love them some Android; but women, well, they’re finding love elsewhere. That’s what a new study by AdMob would have you believe, anyway. For its January Mobile Metrics report (PDF), AdMob conducted an opt-in survey of consumers using iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, and Palm WebOS devices to find out how they interact with applications. …

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AT&T expands 3G Microcell availability

AT&T’s 3G Microcell promises five bars in your home. AT&T Remember that 3G Microcell that AT&T pushed out to a public market trial in Charlotte, N.C. last year? Well, AT&T has finally decided to expand the availability of its femtocell to just a few more places–sorry, New York and San Francisco not included. The extended areas include “select counties” in …

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