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Palm WebOS 2.0 beta available to developers

Though we’re still waiting to see what comes out of the HP-Palm merger, Palm’s still plugging away on WebOS and released some new information about WebOS 2.0 on Tuesday. The news mostly affects developers, as they can now download a beta version of the WebOS 2.0, but Palm also gave us a glimpse of what’s to come and we’re pretty …

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LG E900 with Windows Phone 7 could pack 1.3GHz Snapdragon processor

LG has been making some impressive noises about a new range of smart phones, and the latest leak is of a Windows Phone 7 which could be carrying a mighty 1.3GHz Snapdragon processor. Polish website published pictures and videos of the LG E900, which has a 3.7-inch capacitive TFT LCD display and is said to be carrying a 1.3GHz …

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