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iPhone app kickstarts your healthy lifestyle

21-Day Vegan Kickstart eases you into the vegan lifestyle with three weeks’ worth of tasty recipes. PCRM Looking to lose weight? Lower your cholesterol? Control your diabetes? Prevent cancer? These are among the proven benefits of a vegan diet–meaning one free of all animal products (meat, dairy, etc.). OK, but how do you get started? Without your morning cereal, lunchtime …

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Nokia N8 Plug and Touch concept turns your TV into a touchscreen

Nokia is developing camera software which could turn any old TV into a touchscreen, and may eventually lead to Iron Man-style air-touch technology for everyone — not just troubled billionaire geniuses. Plug and Touch is deceptively simple: point the N8 smart phone‘s camera at a HDTV, and connect to the same TV using an HDMI cable. The TV then becomes …

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