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Android and Palm phones riddled with security holes, researchers warn

Smart phone security is back in the spotlight, with both the Android and Palm WebOS mobile operating systems reported to be vulnerable to attack. Security professional Thomas Cannon revealed details of a problem in Android, which allows naughty people to steal data from your SD card if you visit a website they’ve booby-trapped. He said it was a simple exploit …

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3D, 4G and laser projectors: We look to the future of mobile phones

Predicting the future of mobiles is easy — devices will get thinner, Steve Jobs will get richer and the names of Android handsets will become increasingly smug. Magic? Incredible? Ultima? It can only be a matter of weeks before the HTC Stupendous Chocolate-Covered Jesus handset is available for £99 on a two-year contract. Read on to hear of other mobile …

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