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Cover Orange: Best game since Cut the Rope?

Last October I called Chillingo’s Cut the Rope the best game since Angry Birds. And it appears the world agreed with me, as evidenced by its current number-three spot on the iTunes Top Paid Apps chart. If you’re looking for the next big thing in Cutesy Physics Puzzlers (or CPPs, as I like to call them), look no further: it’s …

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RIM sells BlackBerry PlayBook’s business side

BlackBerry’s first tablet targets business types. Research In Motion RIM has taken a lot of flak from CNET and others for its decision to pair the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with a BlackBerry smartphone (via the BlackBerry Bridge software) to access native e-mail, contacts, and calendar features as well as a 3G data connection. Today, RIM released a video aimed at …

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