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iPhone 5 to pack better antenna, 4

Another day, another rumour about the iPhone 5‘s support for Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The China Times says the touch-tech is definitely in Apple’s next-gen handset, along with a 4-inch display and rejigged antenna design. The newspaper’s report claims that the iPhone 5 is now in ‘trial production’, and will sport a “metal chassis to improve antenna sensitivity” according …

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iPhone 5 won’t have NFC, say UK operators, but iPhone 6 might

Speculation that Apple is planning to put near-field communication (NFC) technology in this summer’s iPhone 5 appears to have been scotched, with UK operators saying the company only “hopes” to put NFC in a handset in 2012 — that would be the iPhone 6. “The new iPhone will not have NFC, Apple told the operators it was concerned by the …

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