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Samsung demands Apple lawyers are disqualified, moves for no hair

The massive and slightly ridiculous legal spat between Apple and Samsung has taken a yet more bizarre twist, as Samsung has demanded that some or even all of Apple’s lawyers are disqualified from representing the iPhone-building tech-giant, Fosspatents reports. Samsung’s reasoning is that within the Bridges & Mavrakakis patent litigation specialist law firm that Apple has employed to represent them …

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Let your Trekkie flag fly with Star Trek PADD for iPad

Let’s just get this out of the way right up front. The best “Star Trek” series was the original. Second-best: “Star Trek: Voyager.” Worst by far: “Enterprise.” I say that so you know who you’re dealing with: a lifelong Trekkie who has strong feelings about the shows and movies. (I also thought J.J. Abrams’ reboot was good, but not great.) …

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