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Samsung denies planning to buy BlackBerry

Samsung says it’s not interested in buying ailing BlackBerry-maker RIM, pouring cold water on rumours that the Canadian company was looking to sell up to the South Korean tech giant. Samsung told Reuters, “We haven’t considered acquiring the firm,” further stating that it’s “not interested”. Ouch. Rumours starting circulating yesterday after BGR cited sources who reckoned RIM was moving towards …

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Nokia Lumia 800 Dark Knight Edition: A working batphone?

The Dark Knight Rises prologue set many tongues wagging about what the caped crusader would be getting up to against the masked Bane and his gang of goons. To tie in with the movie, Nokia made 40 special-edition Batman Lumia 800 phones. We got one, and we wanted to see just what special bat-skills it has. Batman is known for …

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