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Sony Google TV not coming to the UK until September

Now playing: Watch this: Sony Google TV hands-on 1:26 Sony’s Google TV, which crams Google goodness into your tellybox, may not be arriving in the UK until September, but you can hit play on the video above for a sneak preview. At a Sony event today we learned that Brits hoping to download Android apps to a telly will have …

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Wall Street’s reaction to RIM’s new CEO: Who cares?

Investors are certainly a fickle bunch. Research in Motion’s headquarters. RIM They’ve spent the last few months trying to dislodge co-CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie from their leadership roles at Research in Motion. So now that the CEOs have stepped down, what does the stock do? Drop another 2.7 percent to $16.53 in pre-market trading. The collective shrug by …

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