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Spectrum crunch: All talk, no action, and consumers suffer

Editors’ note: This is a guest column. See Roger Entner’s bio below. Spectrum is the fuel that runs wireless, and the country is quickly running out of it. In fact, the U.S. will run out of spectrum capacity to support wireless broadband networks in the next three to five years. That’s not just my opinion. The White House, the FCC, …

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Nokia Lumia 800 pops up unlocked at Microsoft stores

In a move designed to drive customers through Microsoft’s retail doors, and toward Nokia’s Windows Phone Lumia brand in particular, Microsoft will begin to sell the unlocked version of the Nokia Lumia 800 smartphone exclusively in its brick-and-mortar stores. About $900 will get you the Nokia Lumia 800 Entertainment Bundle, which consists of the unlocked version of the phone, the …

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