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Will the iPad HD battery be able to handle 4G LTE?

Apple A report from Reuters this morning claims it has the inside track on the iPad HD (or is it iPad 3?) specs, namely that 4G is going to be included in Apple’s tablet update tomorrow. Also in on the rumor act is tech blog iMore, which claims to have a source within Apple who actually knows what’s going on. …

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HTC One X vs Galaxy Note vs LG Optimus Vu vs Eluga Power

Now playing: Watch this: MWC big phones comparison 3:04 Tech fans got an eyeful of some monstrous mobiles at Mobile World Congress this year as Samsung, LG, HTC and Panasonic whipped their huge handhelds out in a big blower phone-off. I got my hands on the lot of them to see how they measure up and perform in this video. …

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