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Sony Xperia S ad directed by Royal Tenenbaums’ Wes Anderson

Sony has turned to indie darling Wes Anderson, director of The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and Fantastic Mr Fox to flog its new Xperia phones. The Sony Xperia S and its smart phone siblings are made of imagination, apparently. The ad is inspired by childrens’ vision of a dream phone and features robots, rainbow monkeys and …

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Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich official guide released

Dying for a taste of Ice Cream Sandwich on your Samsung Galaxy S2? As you wait for your phone to update to the latest version of Android, Samsung has prepared a handy guide to all things ICS. Cool Smart Phone has compiled Samung’s Ice Cream Sandwich guide into a handy PDF. It’s a bit dry, but does contain some useful …

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