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Citing it as an “important step to achieve competitive cost structures,” T-Mobile announced today in …

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Property rights for spectrum makes more sense all the time

Has the Federal Communications Commission finally learned its lesson on spectrum management? The FCC began proceedings yesterday that could OK Dish Network’s plan to use existing spectrum to build a terrestrial 4G LTE mobile broadband network. The rulemaking follows the agency’s earlier rejection of Dish’s request for a waiver of license conditions, which prohibit using the spectrum for anything other …

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New iPad heat blamed on screen, Wi

The new iPad‘s screen could be the source of overheating complaints, according to experts. Excess heat isn’t the only problem with the Apple tablet either, as some iPadders have reported issues with its Wi-Fi signal. Some new owners are concerned about weak Wi-Fi signals, although reports vary as to the causes and circumstances. Other customers have complained their new iPad …

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