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Movie streaming set to overtake DVDs and Blu

More movies will be streamed this year than DVDs or Blu-rays bought, according to a new report. As Netflix, Lovefilm and now Sky’s Now TV step up online streaming, could 2012 mark the end of the physical disc? Bloomberg reports that streaming will overtake physical discs this year in the US, increasing to 3.4bn titles watched online, up from 1.4bn …

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Channel Nine planning 3D Olympics highlights channel: report

The Australian is reporting that the Nine Network is planning to run a free-to-air 3D channel for the duration of the London Olympic Games. According to the report, the network has lodged an application with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), as well as with the communications minister, Senator Stephen Conroy, to run a 3D trial channel. If successful, …

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