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Our Samsung Galaxy S9 feature wish list (The 3:59, Ep. 342)

On today’s podcast, we talk about: Six features CNET’s Jessica Dolcourt would like to see in the Samsung Galaxy S9. A tour of the new Amazon Go store, a Seattle convenience store that has no cashiers. It opened to the public Monday. Now playing: Watch this: Our Samsung Galaxy S9 feature wishlist (The 3:59, Ep…. 4:56 The 3:59 gives you …

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Microsoft adds Chemistry to Minecraft, $190 Lenovo laptop

This week at the Bett show in London, Microsoft made its first education announcements for 2018. The highlights include a Lenovo 100e laptop starting at $190, an awesome looking Chemistry update for Minecraft: Education Edition and a 10 percent academic discount on HoloLens (still only in developer kits) through May 31, 2018. While the new durable, Celeron-based Lenovo 100e only costs …

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