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With net neutrality repealed, is AT&T creating net fast lanes? No, but…

The Federal Communications Commission’s 2015 net neutrality rules will officially be dead in a matter of weeks. So naturally, people are anxious about what that means for the internet as we know it today. It’s this anxiety and fear that’s likely fueling recent blog posts stating that AT&T is rolling out so-called “internet fast lanes.” But is it true? Is …

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If you love CDs you need this

The CD format is still alive and hanging in there with the LP. While a lot of audiophiles still enjoy large CD collections, most of those folks use CD, DVD, Blu-ray players or computers to play CDs. That’s cool, but for best sound they use CD “transports,” such as this Cambridge Audio CXC. The CXC is part of Cambridge’s CX-Series, and …

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