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Galaxy S9 AR Emoji: What you need to know

Samsung’s Galaxy S9 ($198 at eBay) and S9 Plus have a new feature called AR Emoji. The animated characters are similar to Apple’s animojis on the iPhone X ($285 at Amazon), only instead of using fancy face-scanning hardware, AR Emoji relies on the S9’s camera and augmented reality software developed by the startup Samsung and have worked on bringing AR …

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The Galaxy S9’s aperture blades go slice slice slice

It’s mesmerizing, no? What you’re seeing here is how the twin aperture blades work in the Samsung Galaxy S9‘s brand-new dual-aperture camera.  They can open to let more light in, or close to let less light through. That way, they can create brighter pictures or ones with more of the scene in focus. (For more on how variable aperture cameras …

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