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Whaddyareckon?: The End

Crank up Green Day’s Time of Your Life and keep the aloe vera tissues close to hand, because it’s time for the final instalment of Whaddyareckon? Yes, after two seasons, 51 episodes, hours of chasing down interviewees in Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall and much energy expended shooing away school kids who run in front of the camera, the end is …

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HD Tick tries to make buying TV easier

A new certification program, which aims to simplify the purchase of an HDTV with a digital tuner, may actually complicate matters due to its flexible definition of what HD actually is. The HD Tick logo will start appearing on many new TVs. The new ‘HD Tick Logo’ aims to ensure compliance with Australian digital receiver standards and provide for better …

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Panasonic range focuses on 1080p and plasma

Full high-definition recorders, plasma televisions and Blu-ray-with-everything were the main focus of yesterday’s Panasonic 2008 AV launch in Sydney. The company is gearing up for its partnership of the 2008 Olympic Games coverage and even had sports stars — runner Matt Shervington and swimmers Ky Hurst and Bronte Barratt — on hand to say how much they love using Panasonic …

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Oppo DV

Blu-ray is all well and good, but DVD remains the market leader in disc-based entertainment. Indeed, DVD sales still make up most of all sales in the US, which almost certainly means that the UK numbers are even more skewed in DVDs favour. With prices tumbling, what do you need to get the best quality out of them? Upscaling DVD …

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Pioneer unveils razor

Less than a year after it announced the revolutionary Kuro range, Pioneer has unveiled two new products which promise to overturn the industry again. The first is the Extreme Contrast Concept which Pioneer claims renders the contrast ratio rating meaningless — it says there no is measurable light emitting from the television. Black is finally black, it seems. The second …

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Panasonic DMR

In Crave’s ideal world, we’d be able to project TV out of our eyeballs whenever we wanted to watch it. We despise this hopelessly old-fashioned process of waiting for a programme to start and then sitting down and not being able to go for a wee until the first advert break. Obviously, this model of convenience doesn’t suit the television …

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Pioneer Kuro LCD TV hands

It’s been a big year for Pioneer. First it announced that it would be ceasing production on its own plasma panels and then we found out it would be producing an LCD TV, which on the face of it sounds like heresy. But they are coming nontheless, and today we’ve been at Pioneer’s UK head office to take a look at …

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Photos: More gadget goodies from Pioneer’s UK headquarters

We got a first look at Pioneer’s LCD TVs on Friday, but that wasn’t enough. While at the company’s head office, we had a poke around to see what other technological goodies the manufacturer was producing, from high-end AV receivers with ‘Air Studios’ certification to new Blu-ray players. We could hardly keep our camera steady. Pioneer once had a significant …

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Whaddyareckon?: Where have all the Trekkies gone?

Now that gadgets and the internet are an essential part of our lives, the notion of geekdom is largely moot. Nerdy, cultish pop-culture predilections are no longer so niche — the 2009 Star Trek movie, being directed by Lost‘s J.J. Abrams, will bring the franchise to a generation that missed The Next Generation. So where, then, does that leave the …

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