Nicole Cozma/CNET
Sending photos through Messenger, or via Facebook.com, is a quick way to share moments with friends and family. If you want to view a shared photo without scrolling up forever through the conversation, then you’re in luck. Facebook has an option for you to view all photos shared in a conversation in their Messenger app, and on their website. Here’s how:
Screenshot by Nicole Cozma/CNET
- Open a message in the Facebook Messenger app.
- Tap the i-button in the top right-hand corner and choose Shared Photos.
Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
- Open a message in the Facebook Messenger app.
- Tap the name of the contact and press Shared Photos.
Nicole Cozma/CNET
- Head to Facebook.com and open the Messages area from the left-hand menu.
- Click an individual message where you’ve shared photos.
- At the top of the message, click the Actions button and choose View Photos in Thread.
Now you can save any of the photos and share them elsewhere, or just save them for later.
(Via TechRecipes)
Editors’ note: This How To was originally published on September 19, 2014, and has been updated to include new information.