If you have a passion for mobile phones, can write well and hold your own in front of a camera, you could be our mobile phone editor or reviewer (the final title will depend on your level of experience). We’re looking for someone to lead our coverage in this hugely exciting area to make sure we continue to produce the very best content in the business.
You could be reviewing phones, presenting videos, writing news and a whole lot more besides. We’re looking for someone who has a portfolio of existing work, either published on professional sites or on their own personal blog. Please make sure you include links to your work in your application.
The job is based in our offices in Southwark, London, right next to the Tate Modern and the river Thames. You’ll enjoy all the benefits the company has to offer, including a pension scheme and free gym membership, plus free alcohol, soft drinks and pizza on pay day, a couple of company parties a year and the nicest chill-out area imaginable. And we’ve got a pool table too.
If that’s piqued your interest, click this link to download a PDF that explains the job in full and details how to apply. Good luck!