There’s nothing like a friendly contest to stir the blood, and the CNET 100 was no different.
Every day for two business weeks, CNET editors presented their 10 favorite iPhone apps for you, our readers, to endorse with a vote or smack down by averting your eyes.
We even gave you a final chance to vote on all 100 submissions, including a handful of overlaps.
We did the math, ranking the top two winners for each editor’s set of selections on our master spreadsheet. In addition, we combined the scores for those few apps that more than one editor picked–as a bonus for developing apps worthy enough to get the attention of multiple editors.
We checked the final rankings twice, and are ready to present to you the top-10 winners of the CNET 100.
Are you ready?
CNET 100 iPhone apps: Winners, in pictures (2010)