We’re giving one lucky reader the chance to win a BlackBerry Bold 9700 smart phone, as part of our spiffing Greatest Gadget of the 21st Century tournament.
The BlackBerry Bold 9700 smart phone has always been a popular device for business and personal use. Its sculpted keyboard is one of the best we’ve seen on any smart phone, allowing you to bash out Twitter updates, texts and emails like there’s no tomorrow.
You’ll also enjoy using one of the best email services in the business, with emails being pushed on to the 9700 as they arrive, so you don’t have to wait for the phone to check for new missives. All your emails can also be aggregated in one super inbox that brings together numerous accounts — very convenient, we’re sure you’ll agree.
You can use the phone’s 3.2-megapixel camera to take your own impromptu snaps, and then upload them to your social-networking site of choice, thanks to 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity. The phone’s GPS support is a sizeable cherry on the already delicious connectivity cake.
The 9700 even looks good, with a chrome finish and leather-like posterior. Photos and videos also look fantastic on the high-resolution screen. The phone’s battery life isn’t bad either, offering 6 hours of talk time and 21 days of standby time.
All you have to do to win the 9700 is vote in our Greatest Gadget of the 21st Century competition. The more you vote, the greater chance you stand of winning this tantalising treat for your technological taste buds. Click here to read our tournament FAQ, and then visit our tournament page to get voting. Good luck!