Watch DVDs on your iPad with free converter

I’ve taken my iPad on a few road trips this summer, and I can say without reservation that it absolutely rocks for watching movies.

Of course, I’m not about to pay iTunes’ ridiculous prices to watch movies and TV shows I already own on DVD. Instead, I’ll just rip those discs to an iPad-friendly format.

If you’re interested in doing likewise, check out Daniusoft’s DVD to iPad Converter. Normally $29.95, it’s available for free when you “like” Daniusoft on Facebook.

The software works like most other DVD rippers I’ve used. Pop in your disc, choose an iPad output profile (H.264, MP4, or HD MP4), and click Start. Then go get a cup of coffee (conversion takes time).

Not an iPad user? Converter also supports “common” video formats like MOV, M4V, and MP4, so you should be able to create files compatible with your iPod, iPhone, Android phone, and other devices.

To get this fab freebie, head to Daniusoft’s Facebook page, click Like, then enter your name and e-mail address in the appropriate box (Windows or Mac). Click Get keycode and you should get a registration e-mail almost immediately. Mine arrived in less than a minute.

Before you head to the comments to champion freeware fave Handbrake, keep in mind that that program can’t rip copy-protected DVDs without a third-party add-on, and it doesn’t have iPad-specific profiles. (In fact, it hasn’t been updated in nearly two years.)

By the way, I can’t help noticing the extreme similarities between this product and promotion and the iSkySoft DVD to iPhone Converter I mentioned a few weeks ago. Not sure if they’re the same company or what. Doesn’t really matter–just makes me curious.

Anyway, Daniusoft’s giveaway runs through August 31, so there’s no rush on this one.

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