Samsung, carriers to modify infringing devices, report says

Samsung is working to modify its products to ensure they don’t get caught up in an injunction, a new report claims.

The Korea Times reported yesterday, citing sources, that it spoke with Samsung officials who said that the company is in talks with U.S. carriers, including Verizon Wireless, to determine the best way to modify designs across its Galaxy line. The products it plans to modify were cited as infringing in last week’s landmark patent loss to Apple.

According to the Korea Times’ source, Samsung and carriers will “jointly develop modified design technology,” though the person would not say what was planned.

Last week, a jury in a U.S. District Court ruled that Samsung violated a number of patents that Apple holds. The iPhone maker was awarded $1.05 billion and Samsung, which had tried to argue that Apple was violating some of its patents, couldn’t get any of its arguments to stick.

However, the fight is far from over. Samsung is expected to try to have the decision tossed out. On December 6, Judge Lucy Koh, who presided over the trial, will hear arguments for banning Samsung products in the U.S. It’s possible that with the modifications Samsung is trying to make, the company is trying to sidestep any loss it may face in that hearing.

In addition, the Korea Times reported, Samsung is considering warming up to Microsoft and reducing its reliance upon Google’s Android platform. The news outlet’s sources didn’t provide any more details on possible plans.

Samsung currently offers Windows Phone-based devices, and plans to continue to do so. However, its Android-based handsets, including the Galaxy S3, have proven most successful. Given that, it seems unlikely the company would stray too far from Android.

CNET has contacted Samsung for comment on the Korea Times report. We will update this story when we have more information.

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