Strewth, mate — the legal battle between Samsung and Apple has spread down under. Samsung has turned to the Australian courts to challenge Apple’s worldwide assault on its products.
Korean giant Samsung has told California-based Apple to “rack off”, possibly adding, “you dags”. Sammy accuses Apple of infringing its patents with the iPhone and iPad, in response to Apple’s claims that the Samsung Galaxy range of phones and tablets rips off the look and feel of the iDevices.
Samsung named seven patents — copyright for inventions — which it reckons Apple has infringed, with products going back as far as the iPhone 3G.
Apple has already managed to get the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet banned from sale around the world, including Australia. The 10.1 didn’t even make it on to shop shelves as the ban delayed its launch.
Apple has been targeting the rival Android family of companies and devices, starting with Samsung products that use Android software. It’s also locked in legal combat with HTC, another maker of Android phones, prompting an HTC boss to publicly hit out at Apple’s time-wasting tactics.
Samsung filed the claims in the Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales Registry, late last week. It’s the latest country to be embroiled in the worldwide dispute between the two technology giants, including Germany, Japan and here in good old Blighty.
Many phone companies have looked to bolster their position when it comes to patents. HTC is considering scooping up a spare operating system as a potential backup, while Google plans to buy Motorola and absorb Moto’s many patents.
How will the legal battle play out? Which country will be next? And is there any national stereotype we won’t wheel out, by crikey? Crack open a tinnie and throw the prawn of opinion on the barbie of our Facebook page.