The Jobs biopic is out in US cinemas, and the critics have been less than kind. But now Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has sounded off on the matter in an interview with Bloomberg.
He’s not impressed either. “There were a lot of things wrong,” Woz said. Such as? The film glorifies Jobs and glosses over his flaws, according to Woz. Not enough credit is given to those around him who played such a huge part in the growth of Apple, too. “I didn’t like seeing a lot of people I know not get the respect they deserve,” he added.
Woz saw a midnight premier of the film.
“Ashton has too much of this ‘fan’ thing like a cult leader,” Woz said of Aston Kutcher’s performance in the title role. “He could not see that [Jobs] had a lot of flaws in knowing how to run things and execute and make products that were worthwhile at his time there.”
Woz criticised Kutcher for not getting in touch for help (“I’m really easy to get hold of, he could have called me and consulted over the phone at any time”). Woz was initially approached to consult on the script, but declined. Woz is, however, consulting on the other Steve Jobs film in production, the one penned by The Social Network writer Aaron Sorkin.
Earlier this week, Woz left his thoughts in the comments section of Gizmodo’s review of Jobs.
“I felt bad for many people I know well who were portrayed wrongly in their interactions with Jobs and the company,” Woz wrote. “The movie ends pretty much where the great Jobs finally found product success and changed so many of our lives.
“I’m grateful to Steve for his excellence in the i-era, and his contribution to my own life of enjoying great products, but this movie portrays him having had those skills in earlier times.”
Are you looking forward to Jobs? Or are you holding out for Aaron Sorkin’s version? Let me know in the comments, or on our Facebook page.