Samsung’s new Galaxy S4 smart phone will be available on Tesco Mobile, the horsemeat-addled operator has confirmed.
As you’d expect from the firm that brought you Tesco Value baked beans, buying the Galaxy S4 from this operator will be a relatively cheap and cheerful affair.
Prices kick off at £30 per month with zero upfront cost on a two-year tariff that nets you 250 minutes, 5,000 texts and 500MB of data. That’s not much data, so if you enjoy downloading music or streaming on-demand video, you’d be better off looking elsewhere.
If you want more data, you’ll be shelling out upwards of £35 per month over two years. The full tariff chart is below if you’re hungering for more details, and be sure to check out our guide to the best S4 deals to compare these prices with what rival networks are offering.

Tesco is also copying O2’s new ‘Refresh’ contract with a brand-new tariff called ‘Anytime Upgrade’. Under this spangly new regime, your bill will be split into two separate bits — a monthly fee you pay for your minutes, texts and data, and a separate monthly fee that covers the phone itself.
The benefit of this plan is that if you want to upgrade early, you only need to pay off the remaining balance on the phone part of the contract to opt out. Tesco says “there will be no early termination charge on [the] usage contract”, if you upgrade to Tesco Mobile, which suggests you may end up paying an extra cancellation charge if you want to switch operators. I’ve asked Tesco about this and I’ll update this story when I hear back.
Tesco will have the Galaxy S4 available from 27 April — that’s this Saturday, calendar fans. Will you be buying Samsung’s new super-phone, or would you rather save your pennies? Share your tips in the comments, or on our impecunious Facebook wall.

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