As if to flaunt its shelves soon to be stacked high with iPhones, Orange has released an app for iPhoners to take advantage of their two-for-one cinema tickets on Wednesdays.
The app is similar to the Flixster app — you can search for current and upcoming films, and nearby cinemas — but the app only shows movie houses that accept Orange’s two-for-one vouchers.
Once you’ve chosen the entertainment vehicle for you and your Wednesday-night companion, you can generate your Orange voucher code right in the app, without having to text ‘film’ to 241 as you normally do.
You don’t have to be an Orange customer to use the app, but you will in order to get the voucher. Your iPhone also has to be connected to the Orange data network, rather than Wi-Fi, or you’ll have to enter your phone number and receive a text message to confirm your account.
We can’t wait for 10 November to roll around so we can compare the performance of the iPhone on Orange to its old O2 stomping ground. Will it remain the worst phone in the world? Stay tuned to Crave to find out.
Get the app from the iTunes store — it’s free (iTunes link). We asked if there’s a similar Android app in development, but Orange is yet to get back to us on that. In the meantime, here’s a video of the iPhone app in action: