iPhone 5 leaked parts ‘fit perfectly’, show headphone port

Leaked parts that will supposedly feature in Apple’s new iPhone have been assembled, with eager tinkerers reporting that the acquired bits and bobs fit together ‘perfectly’.

iResQ screwed the leaked repair parts together, BGR reports, attaching the rumoured smaller docking connector and headphone jack to the phone’s taller rear casing. Check out one more snap below.

As well as giving us a new peek at the iPhone 5’s headphone socket, which has been moved to the bottom of the phone, the site reports that “all of the threading and screw holes lined up perfectly,” lending yet more credence to the slew of leaked components that have emerged over the last few months.

Comparing the assembled iPhone 5’s underside, you can see the difference in size between the current 30-pin charging port and the teeny tiny one that’s expected to adorn Apple’s next smart phone.

While I’ve learned not to place too much faith in leaked components or blurry snaps, the mountain of matching evidence on this much-anticipated gadget is certainly persuasive. Based on leaked parts, photos and video, I’d say that at this point a taller iPhone with a 4-inch display is about as certain as unconfirmed gadgets can get.

There are secrets still to be revealed, in particular what kind of processor will be powering Apple’s next plaything, and whether the bumped-up screen size will make room for an extra row of homescreen icons.

Apple’s tipped to make an iPhone-flavoured announcement on 12 September, which is just over three weeks away. Stay tuned folks, and in the meantime let me know whether you’ll be queuing up for the iPhone 5 or lining your pockets with an Android mobile instead. The comments or our Facebook wall are the places to have your say, and while you’re here why not take a look at our iPhone 5 predictions video below.

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