So hang on. Just two days before Apple and Samsung are due to sit down and start settlement talks over their ridiculous patent wars, Apple has tried to ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the US. Poor form.
The Californian company filed for a preliminary injunction against the Samsung device, Foss patents reports.
Samsung has already got around these bans by introducing the Galaxy Tab 10.1N (pictured, with the original) in Germany, so it could roll out that device onto the shelves, court permitting of course.
If Apple’s motion is successful, as looks likely, there will be bans in America against all three of the leading makers of Android devices. The ITC just ordered a US import ban against Motorola’s Android devices, due to an infringement of a Microsoft patent, and some HTC devices were delayed for infringing Apple’s copyright in December. As if the Ice Cream Sandwich rollout headaches weren’t enough.
On Monday, Apple and Samsung are due to sit down for a tête-à-tête to thrash out these ongoing patent disputes. The two have been ping-ponging lawsuits at each other for over a year now, alleging each other is infringing the other’s copyright. It’s hoped this sit-down will bring about an end to the squabbles. Though if this latest is anything to go by, that looks like a pipe dream.
Steve Jobs vowed “thermonuclear war” against Android, which he claimed was a stolen product. When Tim Cook took over at Apple’s helm, he said he wanted to resolve peacefully the issue with Android, though the lawsuits have continued.
Samsung tweaked the Galaxy Tab after a similar case in Germany, and re-released it as the Galaxy Tab 10.1N. We’ll have to wait and see if it does the same in the US.
What do you make of all this? Shouldn’t they just put their differences behind them, seeing as Samsung provides parts for the iPhone? Or are they right to aggressively protect their designs? Let me know in the comments below, or on our Facebook page.