Apple boss Tim Cook says TV is ‘an area of intense interest’

Apple commander Tim Cook has dropped a few compelling hints about the company’s plans regarding TV, saying telly is an “area of intense interest for us”, and also tipping possible progress for Siri and Facebook integration.

Speaking at the Wall Street Journal‘s All Things Digital conference, Cook said Apple has already sold 2.7 million Apple TV set-top boxes this year, and that it would “keep pulling this string and see where it takes us”, Engadget reports.

Although Cook was cagey about the company’s product schemes, he did say of TV, “I think many people would say this is an area of their life that they aren’t pleased with.

“It’s an interesting area,” he added gnomically. “We’ll have to see what we do.”

When pressed on the subject, Cook conceded that Apple TV’s movie offering isn’t perfect, but said, “I don’t want to get in any deeper discussion on it.”

Cook also hinted that updates to shonky robo-butler Siri are incoming, saying Apple has got “some cool ideas about what Siri can do. We have a lot going on on this.”

Apple kit could be primed for greater Facebook integration as well, it seems. When quizzed about a possible deal between the two companies, Cook said he has “great respect” for Zuckerberg and pals, and said, “Facebook has hundreds of millions of customers; anyone with an iPhone or iPad, we want them to have the best experience on those. So stay tuned!”

I think it’s about time iOS gear got some proper Facebook integration. Last year we saw Apple baking Twitter into its mobile operating system, which is a good start, but with so many more people using Facebook — and with Facebook’s own apps proving more than a little rickety — an Apple partnership could mean fewer headaches.

Expect more information on Siri and iOS on 11 June at Apple’s annual developer conference — CNET UK will be funnelling news into your brain as it happens, so as the man says, stay tuned.

What do you think should be Apple’s next move? Predict the future in the comments or on our Facebook wall, and have a butchers’ at the video of the event below.

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