22 per cent of iPhone owners regret buying one

22 per cent of UK iPhone owners regret the purchase, according to a survey.

The poll, conducted by GoodMobilePhones.co.uk, asked 1,694 Brits aged 18 and over whether they were satisfied with their phone. And it would seem that a decent chunk of those who opted for Apple’s shiny high-end smart phone wish they hadn’t bothered.

So why would anyone regret filling their pockets with iPhone-flavoured goodness? 43 per cent of those who said they ‘regretted’ getting an iPhone claimed it was down to jealousy of rival smart phones, whereas 25 per cent blamed battery life.

While 1,694 people is a decent survey size, not all of those will have owned iPhones, so the actual number of iPhone owners polled will be smaller, and therefore any results garnered will be a bit less reliable.

But is there a nugget of truth buried in these results? Apple certainly knows how to market its gadgets, filling your telly, trains and Tube with its typically trendy advertising, so we’re sure there are a number of folks out there who get excited about owning an iPhone, only to find out post-purchase that it’s not really the right mobile for them.

We’ve also seen some excellent iPhone alternatives this year, not least the staggeringly good Samsung Galaxy S2, a phone whose huge 4.3-inch display will have drawn more than a few green-eyed glances from iPhone owners. The Nokia Lumia 800 is also out now, dragging the underdog Windows Phone operating system into the limelight.

Over to you — do you own and despise an iPhone? What would make an Apple user jealous of Android? Or are old phones just better? Tell us in the comments, on our Facebook wall or over on Google+.

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