Each week brings a slew of new iPhone games to our doorstep (digitally speaking), but time doesn’t permit us to write individual posts about each one. Therefore, here’s a roundup of some new and interesting titles you might want to check out:
- Daisy Mae’s Alien Buffet Unapologetically sexist and gloriously campy, Daisy Mae (top) has the look of a ’50s drive-in movie and a plot to match: the gun-toting titular heroine must blast wave after wave of aliens that have invaded her trailer park. Boy, howdy!
- Giana Sisters If you like Mario-style platform games, you’re sure to like this adaptation of the popular Nintendo DS title, which itself originated on the Commodore 64! In addition to 32 original levels, Giana Sisters for iPhone (bottom) features 80 new levels, overhauled graphics, and OpenFeint support.
- Graves Robber Anyone who knows me knows I’m a sucker for zombie games. DigiArty’s Graves Robber looks and plays like a zombie-themed Diablo, mixing fiery third-person battles with RPG elements like hit points, experience, and weapon/equipment upgrades.
- GT Racing: Motor Academy Gameloft’s latest entry into the crowded arcade-racing category raises the stakes with more than licensed hot rods and six-player online competition. Other than that, it’s not terribly different from the company’s own Asphalt 5 (which is $2 cheaper).
- Pocket Chef Though not the first cooking game in the App Store (that honor goes to Cooking Mama), Pocket Chef is the first 3D cooking game. Crack eggs, flip steaks, chop veggies–it’s all part of 19 cooking-themed mini games. Bonus: Pocket Chef includes actual recipes.

Have you discovered any interesting new games this week? If so, shout ’em out in the comments!