New road fatalities statistics show that up to one third of car crashes in Queensland are caused by drivers using mobile phones.

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As reported by the Courier Mail, Queensland Police have revealed the figures, claiming that more road fatalities are caused by mobile phone distractions than the other commonly known road threats; speeding, alcohol and fatigue.
Police are gathering the information by contacting telcos after an accident to check whether the driver was using their phone at the time of a major road incident. Senior police officials are now campaigning the Queensland Government to include driver inattention in public safety advertising materials.
In all Australian states, drivers caught using a phone without connecting it to a hands-free device will have three demerit-points deducted from their license, plus be issued with a fine. All phone use is included, including taking photos or having a phone on speaker resting in your lap. It also includes use of a phone when the vehicle is stationary, but not parked, like at traffic lights. P-plate drivers are not allowed to use phones at all, including hands-free devices.
How do you deal with phone use in the car? I have a rule that I never answer calls or messages while driving, except in emergencies, when I pull over before calling back. Do you use a hands-free device? If so, let us know which one and why in the comments below.