Apple wants to sell concert tickets on iTunes, and deliver the goods directly to your iPhone or iPod touch, according to a patent filed by the company.
The system is called Concert Ticket +, and the folks at Patently Apple have whipped out their Slap Chop and broken it down into easily digestible chunks. Concert Ticket + includes the ability to include special offers with the ticket, such as discounted food at the venue, or fire off media files to a ticket-holder’s phone, such as a recording of the concert.
It’s a mother of a patent, and we’re not sure it’s even enforceable, since e-tickets are nothing new. But neither were legally downloadable MP3s when iTunes took them mainstream, so we’re happy to imagine a world in which iTunes can get us in to everything from football matches to Alton Towers.
The patent also includes souped-up physical tickets that contain RFID tags, which can communicate with your iPhone or iPod to transfer seating info, for example.
Apple also seems to be interested in wedding invitations, suggesting that you could offer your guests the option to “purchase wedding video or wedding photos, to obtain an audio recording of the toast, or to obtain the playlist of music at the reception” — turning your wedding into an iPhone-obsessed retail outlet worthy of a booth at Macworld.