iPhone 5 to launch before 15 October? Memo hints so

Another day, another iPhone 5 rumour. Apple’s next blower will launch before 15 October, if a leaked memo from US carrier Sprint is to be believed.

While it doesn’t prove the launch date, it certainly adds fuel to the fire of those already raging rumours of an early October release.

“Due to the possibility of a major phone launch in October, we are blacking out September 30th through October 15th,” the memo reads. That means no staff holiday between those dates. Now what could this “major phone launch” possibly be…?

Oh, and what’s this? Bloomberg reporting Sprint will be selling the iPhone 5 with an unlimited data plan? Hmm.

Expect the launch to be earlier rather than later in that two week period, as we can’t see any network letting its staff take it easy the day after an iPhone launch. Expect queues, queues, queues.

Earlier in the week we brought you news the iPhone 5 launch was just round the corner, with reports of special staff training, as well as the factory producing the handsets churning out 150,000 of the blighters a day. Which would either point to a new model launch, or one man with a particularly big order.

So, looks like the smart money is on early October for a new iPhone. September has never seemed to drag on so much.

Will you be first in line for a new iPhone? Or are you staying well away? Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook page.

Image credit: SprintFeed


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